Today you will:
--review the material that we have covered so far;
--learn how to determine the best approach to your diagnostic analysis essay;
--reflect on your writing process and goals.
The following links will be helpful for you when writing the diagnostic analysis essay:
The Diagnostic Analysis Assignment -- review the assignment once again to make sure you are aware of all the details.
The Self-Diagnosis PPT -- learn a number of strategies to write and check the diagnostic analysis assignment.
The Grading Rubric
Diagnostic Essay Sample -- to look at, not to plagiarize!!
Focus Questions Exercise
Start outlining and writing your diagnostic analysis essay. Go through our previous lessons, the grading rubric, the Diagnostic Analysis PPT. Remember!! that the final draft is due at the end of this week on Friday 02/15/2013 at 11:59 PM. The deadline is firm, please name the document Diagnostic Analysis Final_FirstName_LastName, upload it to your Major Assignments folder. Double check whether you have the document in your Dropbox before the deadline and that you have successfully uploaded it.
NO corrections are allowed after the due date.
Good luck!! with the assignment, I am sure, now you are ready to write an awesome diagnostic analysis!!